[Mailman-Users] Mails are not deliver for one mailing-list
Julien Francoz CoCoZ
julien at francoz.net
Fri Jun 10 11:50:04 CEST 2005
I've found the solution :
The destination SMTP drops mails when there are too much mails in one
connection (>20).
I have change an option in Postfix, it's good now.
Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Julien Francoz CoCoZ wrote:
>>I have another problem on one mailing-list. It was working fine, but
>>since 2 days, all mails to list departement-linux at minux.esi-supinfo.com
>>are not deliver. All others mailing lists are working fine.
>>Here are the logs of mailman for this list
>>post:Jun 09 12:07:49 2005 (23711) post to departement-linux from
>>julien.francoz at supinfo.com, size=6134,
>>message-id=<42A81532.6060503 at supinfo.com>, success
>>smtp:Jun 09 12:07:49 2005 (23711) <42A81532.6060503 at supinfo.com> smtp
>>for 40 recips, completed in 2.202 seconds
>>There is no error in postfix logs.
> The smtp log entry says the message was delivered to postfix on behalf
> of 40 recipients. Is there an smtp-failure log? If not or if so but
> there's no entry for this message, then the delivery to postfix was
> successful. Is there anything in the bounce log? Maybe it's still
> queued in postfix.
>>(it's the mailman package on MacosX server)
> See http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq01.021.htp
> --
> Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net> The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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