[Mailman-Users] Safe Archive Clean
Young, Darren
Darren.Young at ChicagoGSB.edu
Wed Mar 2 14:53:26 CET 2005
Couple questions on archiving.
First, have some lists that archives exist for that I need to remove. We
don't support archiving so I need to blast them. What's the "safe" way
to do this?
On that note (we don't support archiving), I've disabled archives on all
lists on our server (via withlist), have set DEFAULT_ARCHIVE = Off &
ARCHIVE_TO_MBOX to -1 in Defaults.py. Additionally, I removed the
archive option from the UI via Defaults.py as well.
Now, what I'm finding is that if a list has content filtering disabled,
or set to allow other MIME types through (such as HTML) and if a member
is of type digest and they have the plain option enabled for digests,
they receive a message in their digest with a URL of where they can see
a copy of the original message. The URL included has a pipermail address
in it. On the server, the file was placed in that directory however I
have pipermail disabled (since we don't support archives). Any way to
disable this part or do I just need to wipe those archived files?
| Darren Young | http://www.chicagogsb.edu |
| Senior UNIX Administrator | darren.young at chicagogsb.edu |
| University of Chicago GSB | darren.young at gsb.uchicago.edu |
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