[Mailman-Users] messages not sending

Tony Bibbs tony_bibbs at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 20:53:55 CEST 2005

I had my mailman installation working yesterday at one
point.  At some point somebody pointed out that none
of the archives were available because of 403
forbidden errors. The apache log indicated that the
problem was that symlinks were not allowed...after
hours of digging around this was a permissions issues.
 So after having got that fixed, the lists are no
longer sending mail.  

I'm using postfix and getting this back from the
maillog after attempting to send the message:

postfix/local[13131]: 011D527007C:
to=<geeklog-devel at lists.geeklog.net>,
orig_to=<geeklog-devel at lists.geeklog.net>,
relay=local, delay=1, status=sent (delivered to
command: /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post

However, nothing actually happens.  I've ran
check_perms and all is well so what else should I be


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