[Mailman-Users] bouncing spams

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Mon May 23 17:32:38 CEST 2005

hi all.

i have setup mailman, that it automatically discards emails that have a 
spam-level (assigned by spamassassin) above a certain threshold.

this works very nicely.

however, the bounce-adress (list-bounce at example.com) of my mailing-lists 
gets spammed too, and those mails are forwarded to the administrator as 
"unknown bounce messages".

is there a way to apply header-filters that go to the bounce-adress 
(without tweaking my mta) ?

or should i file a feature-request, that "discard"-filters in the 
privacy->spam section should also be applied to the -bounce ??

or did i miss something simple ?


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