[Mailman-Users] Error msg for one list, can't fix (SOLVED)

Kevin McCann kmccann at cruciverb.com
Wed Oct 26 00:04:47 CEST 2005


Kevin McCann wrote:

>I have a problem similar to the one posted by Doc Schneider a few days 
>ago, but I have not been able to fix things. I have this in logs/errors:

Looking at this line was the clue

>    username = username.encode(Utils.GetCharSet(d['user_language']))
>UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

Checked the email addresses subscribed (using list_members), didn't see 
anything. Then I listed with fullnames (list_members -f ) and looked for 
anything out of the ordinary. Saw a question mark in one of the names. 
Looked at the user via the web interface and she had a username of 
Valeria but the e was accented. I removed her address and all is now OK.

Question:  how do I avoid this in the future?

- Kevin

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