[Mailman-Users] Database

John Fleming john at wa9als.com
Tue Sep 20 17:38:24 CEST 2005

> Pipermail itself takes 7th edition "mbox" formatted mailboxes
> (text files, actually) as input, and creates ".html" files (another
> special case of text file) and other types of text files as output.
> No databases here.

Am I correct then that the email addys in the archives are relatively 
unprotected from spam-harvesters?  I have not enabled archives on my lists 
due to this concern, but I would like to use archiving if someone can 
encourage me that the email addresses are protected.  Any info appreciated - 
I don't remember seeing this discussed, so it must be obvious to everyone 
but me.  Tnx - John

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