[Mailman-Users] delivery off

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Fri Apr 28 17:32:08 CEST 2006

Mark Sapiro ha scritto:
> Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> But I do this later, without effects.
> Do you get any reply at all to your email?

- Risultati:
    Impostata opzione delivery

- Finito.

- Results:
    delivery option set

- End.

But a later set show gave always delivery off.

>> Maybe I have to unsubscribe/subscribe?
> Can you visit your options page on the web and set delivery on there?

I've already solved by unsubscribe/subscribe.

I still don't understand the problem.
Mailman tried to send a response to my (ISP) MTA and failed?

Thanks and regards  Manlio Perillo

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