[Mailman-Users] problem with default domain

Kim Leandersson kim.leandersson at chs.chalmers.se
Mon Aug 14 18:06:42 CEST 2006

> In a flurry of recycled electrons, Kim Leandersson wrote:
> > My problem is that when the server was being installed someone
> > misspelled the hostname so it was entered as 
> plisk.example.com instead
> > of plesk.example.com. This error are now corrected, but 
> somewhere in the
> > mailman installation the plisk entry exists. The problem 
> with this is
> > that all the monthly password reminders are sent out from
> > mailman-bounces at plisk.example.com and since many mailserver 
> checks if
> > the domain exist before delivery the deny the mail. 
> The brute force approach is to get into the mailman directory and
> "grep -r plisk *.pck". Also check all db and py files.
> It's got to show up eventually.
> z!
In the main mailman directory I try this:
[root at plesk mailman]# pwd
[root at plesk mailman]# grep -r plisk *
[root at plesk mailman]#

No entry at all.

The in the spool directory
[root at plesk mailman]# pwd
[root at plesk mailman]# grep -r plisk *

Then I get lots and lots of pck-files in the shunt-directory which all
have headers like this:
Return-Path: <mailman-bounces at plisk.example.com>
Received: (qmail 25327 invoked from network); 1 Jul 2006 05:01:22 +0200
Received: from localhost (HELO plesk.example.com) (
  by localhost with SMTP; 1 Jul 2006 05:01:22 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: tarantella.example.com mailing list memberships reminder
From: mailman-owner at tarantella.example.com
To: someone at somewhere.com
X-No-Archive: yes
Message-ID: <mailman.923.1151722840.20628.mailman at plisk.example.com>
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2006 05:00:40 +0200
Precedence: bulk
X-BeenThere: mailman at plisk.example.com
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.5
List-Id: mailman.plisk.example.com


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