[Mailman-Users] Backing up E-mail addresses in Mailman v 2.1.6

dan at thefoldmusic.com dan at thefoldmusic.com
Thu Jan 26 05:28:51 CET 2006

Ok, I really appreciate the effort, but I don't know what a cronjob is. Can you explain what steps I need to take on a PC to get to this point: 

I apologize, but I am TRULY just learning about this. A total novice.


On Jan 25, 2006, at 9:51 PM, <dan at thefoldmusic.com> wrote:

> Is there an easy way to get all of your e-mail addresses out of  
> Mailman version 2.1.6? Maybe a backup or export function? I know  
> this sounds SO novice, but that's what I am, and the FAQ said  
> nothing about it.
> Daniel/The Fold
> www.thefoldmusic.com

The easy (for me to give) answer for backing up a list is here:  
but if you don't have shell access to the server it's a bit more  

The options are described in this post from the archives: http:// 
www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users at python.org/msg34467.html


Dan Phillips
Associate Professor of Horn, University of Memphis
site administrator: music.memphis.edu

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