[Mailman-Users] Can't run mm_cfg.py

Carl Fink carl at finknetwork.com
Thu Jun 1 18:14:30 CEST 2006

On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 08:30:34AM -0700, Dragon wrote:

> Yeah, that all seems a bit strange but if he can stop and 
> successfully restart his qrunners, then the edits are syntactically 
> correct and mailman can at least understand what is there. Whether 
> those edits are then lexically and logically correct is another story 
> altogether.

I actually did restart Mailman, with no errors, and so far it seems to have
taken my changes.  If mm_cfg is just there to be read from, why is it a
script instead of a text file /etc/mailman?
Carl Fink                                   carl at finknetwork.com
   "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your
   government when it deserves it."
                      - Mark Twain

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