[Mailman-Users] Uncaught runner exception: unknown encoding: gb2312
Reinhard Proessler
reinhard.proessler at de.hanjin.com
Thu Jun 22 11:22:15 CEST 2006
Some users reports that emails from a Chinese customer
do not reach the recipients from a list. The mails reach
our system, where stored in the archive folder, but not
forwarded to the list member.
I took a look to the mailman error log and found (only) this entry:
Jun 21 16:15:46 2006 (29723) Uncaught runner exception: unknown encoding:
Jun 21 16:15:46 2006 (29723) Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Queue/Runner.py", line 111, in _oneloop
self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Queue/Runner.py", line 167, in _onefile
keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py", line 130, in _dispose
more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline)
File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py", line 153, in
sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py", line 74, in process
prefix_subject(mlist, msg, msgdata)
File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py", line 262, in
h.append(s, c)
line 285, in append
LookupError: unknown encoding: gb2312
Jun 21 16:15:46 2006 (29723) SHUNTING:
It seems to be that the reason is an unknown encoding: gb2312
I searched in the Internet and mailing-lists and found only a hint to
Chinesecodecs. But after applying these ChineseCodecs-1.1.0p to
python site-packages with python installer the problem still exists.
Any suggestions, experiences or hints with this problem?
Kind Regards
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