[Mailman-Users] Hit a but & use of VERP

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Wed Nov 8 16:30:18 CET 2006

Larry Stone wrote:

>On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Henrik Rasmussen wrote:
>> I am new to Mailman. I currently have two problems.
>> I am using Mailman version 2.1.5 with Postfix. I am able to send mails
>> to the list and the mails are sent to the subscribers. According to the
>> mail headers in the mails received from Mailman, Mailman actually uses
>> Postfix.
>> Problem 1) I would like to use VERP. I have read a number of
>> documents[1] describing how to set this up, but so far Mailman is still
>> not using VERP, that is, the mails I receive from the list does not seem
>> to contain any VERPed headers.
>> [1]    http://www.exim.org/howto/mailman21.html
>>         http://www.postfix.org/VERP_README.html
>> Etc. Some describes to set VERP_CONFIRMATIONS = 1 (etc.) and other
>> documents explains to set VERP_CONFIRMATIONS = Yes ,but I have tried
>> both in ~mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py, without luck. I have also tried to
>> set it directly in Default.py (shame on me) but also no luck.
>I'm not an "expert" but I believe VERP_CONFIRMATIONS only controls
>confirmation messages like the parameter name implies.

Actually, in 2.1.5 VERP_CONFIRMATIONS only affects mass subscribe
invitations by putting the confirm token in the reply address and
creating a friendlier Subject:.

>Controlling VERPing
>of list messages is done by 1) turning on Personalization (non-digest
>options in the interface; not sure how it's done for digests) which firt
>requires OWNERS_CAN_ENABLE_PERSONALIZATION to be set in mm_cfg.py and 2)
>setting the variables VERP_PERSONALIZED_DELIVERIES and

You don't need to personalize the list in order to use VERP. Set


to VERP all regular deliveries, personalized or not.

Read the VERP section in Defaults.py for more information.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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