[Mailman-Users] Approve subscription requests via mail
Georg Sauthoff
gsauthof at TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
Sat Nov 18 13:48:28 CET 2006
On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 10:53:08AM -0600, Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 11:47 AM +0100 11/17/06, Georg Sauthoff wrote:
> > PS: Is it ok, if I submit a subscribtion request for this list to
> > www.gmane.org (a nntp gateway and web-archive of mailinglists)?
> Uh, no -- please don't. Please see the archives for the background
> on this issue.
If the admins don't like the gmane.org project/service I won't send a
request to them.
For the background you probably mean threads around:
(the take, take, take and leaching arguments are IMO a bit far fetched.
And e.g. as a user of different ml I read via gmane I am not feeling as a part
of the private gmane community! It is just an useful tool (to
participate in some ml community, if you will).
> > PPS: Perhaps you could remove the direct link to this list from
> > http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/lists.html (in the left row) -
> > because the list requires subscription.
> The list does require subscription, but the archives are public.
> IMO, people should be able to figure out for themselves that they
> will need to subscribe before posting.
I am only talking about the left link. It is about 'good practice':
- you have an open list: just throw the ml adress, -request adress/link
and archive/search link at the page
- you have an closed list, which is absolutely allright: don't just
write the ml adress at the page (without a clear statement that it is
a closed list)
At the page http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/docs.html the authors
invite users to just mail to mailman-users@ ('Email Us' - left side,
like every left side ) and only 'suggest' to subscribe ('We suggest you
subscribe to the list first' - right side, 2nd paragraph).
And sure you link to the searchable mail archive from the faq and
http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users, but not from
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/ (which is the first
place if I look for the searchable archives - of course then the faq
or directly via google).
> But Barry is the one who has the final word on that subject.
Best regards
Georg Sauthoff
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