[Mailman-Users] Language encoding and digests...

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Apr 6 11:02:27 CEST 2007

Brad Knowles writes:

 > At 12:10 PM +0900 4/6/07, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > >  In the short run, you probably should disable digestible for that
 > >  list.  Mailman's I18N is not very robust in this respect, and it
 > >  may take some time to fix.
 > More importantly, I'm not sure where the bug is.  If this is a 
 > problem in the handling of charsets in the mail package within Python 
 > or within Python itself, then that's a deeper problem than Mailman. 
 > In that case, we can try to find a way to work around it better than 
 > we've done in the past, but I'm not sure we can actually "fix" it.

No, this is a problem that Mailman can handle, at least in theory.
I'm not familiar enough with Python codecs to deny that Python's codec
API and implementation may admit some improvements we'd like to see,
ditto the email module's usage of codecs.  However, Mailman can
definitely catch the UnicodeError that the codec throws, and shunt or
munge the offending message (eg, replace unknown characters).  For
safety's sake, save off a copy, maybe.  This doesn't have to shut down
even the affected list's digests, and should not.

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