[Mailman-Users] How to protect list archives?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Tue Aug 14 00:25:03 CEST 2007

On 8/13/07, Chris Waltham wrote:

>  Is there a relatively straightforward mechanism to protecting list
>  archives from prying eyes? From what I can tell, anyone that can
>  guess the URL of the archives (e.g. www.foo.org/pipermail/listname)
>  can view the archives of the list, even if they're not a subscriber
>  to the list.

Make the archives private, and only subscribers will be able to log 
in and see it.  This is independent of whether or not the list itself 
is advertised or not.

>  Rather than make a .htaccess file for each list, or even disable
>  archives altogether, what can I do to secure this? This is with
>  mailman-2.1.9, built-in pipermail on RHEL 4. I have ~ 830 lists with
>  a couple hundred messages per list, on average.

You shouldn't need to do anything unusual here.  For a single list, 
you should be able to go to the web admin page for the list, then go 
down to the "Archiving Options" section, and click the radio button 
to make the archives private as opposed to public, then click the 
button at the bottom which says "Submit Your Changes".

Now, for automating this for ~830 lists, you'll probably want to do 
that using a "withlist" script and a bit of Python code.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>, Consultant & Author
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>
Slides from Invited Talks: <http://tinyurl.com/tj6q4>

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