[Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response
Brad Knowles
brad at shub-internet.org
Sat Feb 10 02:30:04 CET 2007
At 3:54 PM -0800 2/9/07, Bob Morse wrote:
> The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing?
If the problem is that sensitive, then your only option that I can
see is to use human moderation. For each message that comes in, you
have a human look at it to see if it's legitimate or not, and take
appropriate action.
> In this case they
> have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be ejected from the
> board and have organizational membership taken away. They feel he is capable
> (both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances on one or more of
> about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.
Turn on "emergency moderation" for all lists, until the emergency has passed.
> What makes this even more of a 'challenge' is that the account is on a
> shared server.
If he can get onto your shared server, then you've got much, much
bigger problems. In that case, there's nothing that Mailman can do
to save your soul.
Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>, Consultant & Author
Co-author of SAGE Booklet #15 "Internet Postmaster: Duties and
Founding Member and Platinum Individual Sponsor of LOPSA:
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