[Mailman-Users] preserving original lists' subject prefix

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Wed Jan 3 02:57:26 CET 2007

Raymond Blum wrote:

>  I have a situation where I need to preserve the "history" or chain of
>subscriptions that a message has passed through on its way to the
>recipients.  For example if user1 subscribes to list1 and list1 is
>subscribed to list2, I wish messages sent to list2 to have something like
>this in the subject
>[List1] [List2] here is a message for you
>It looks like mailman is removing [List2], leaving me with [List1] ... as
>the subject.  If empty out the subject prefix for List1, then neither

It should work as you expect.

What mailman version is this?

What is the value of subject_prefix for each of the lists?

What is the setting in Defaults.py-mm_cfg.py for OLD_STYLE_PREFIXING?

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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