[Mailman-Users] Stop all -owner mail

Nate Rudd nrudd at caj.or.jp
Fri Nov 16 06:27:39 CET 2007

As, I forgot that I would like the e-mails from the Mailman system to  
still reach me, would there be anything I am missing if I set a rule  
in my e-mail program that says:

Any mail not from "mailman-bounces" to "*-owner" -> Delete or Mark as  


Nate Rudd

On Nov 16, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Nate Rudd wrote:

> I would like to stop mail to my "[listname]-owner" addresses for  
> all my lists.  Is there a simple way to do this?
> Nate Rudd
> Technology Coordinator
> Christian Academy in Japan
> nrudd at caj.or.jp

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