[Mailman-Users] ? accessing public archives

lists.mailman-users at duinheks.xs4all.nl lists.mailman-users at duinheks.xs4all.nl
Sat Nov 24 15:05:31 CET 2007


I created a mailing list using Mailman for the first time and have
a problem accessing the public archives.

The FAQ told me to put the FollowSymLinks option into the httpd.conf.
I did that:
<Directory "/opt/mailman/archives/public/">
    AddDefaultCharSet off
    AllowOverride None
    Options FollowSymLinks
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

But when I try to connect to duinheks.xs4all.nl/pipermail/amc-support
I get a "403: forbidden" error:
Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible:

What else should I look at?



jdh punt beekhuizen bij duinheks punt xs4all punt nl

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