[Mailman-Users] mmdsr question

Troy Campbell troy.campbell at fedex.com
Mon Oct 29 22:06:02 CET 2007

Thanks alot for the info Mark and the script Brad!  It was 
in my case.  Useful information..

When there are new updates to this report script how might we know?
Are you going to send notices out periodically to this list?


on 10/29/2007 02:54 PM Mark Sapiro said the following:
> Brad Knowles wrote:
>> 	# find /var -name qfiles -print
>> And hope that catches it.
> That usually gets it, but in the RedHat FHS compliant package, the
> directory isn't named 'qfiles', so
> 	# find /var -name virgin -print
> might be more successful.

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