[Mailman-Users] Mailman 2.1.10rc1 has been released

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Wed Apr 16 06:34:04 CEST 2008

On 4/16/08, Jim Popovitch wrote:

>  I can appreciate the significance of that situation.  I don't know
>  that I have a solution other than to ask what does ClamAV or
>  SpamAssassin do in similar situations?

Dunno.  Do they have to support twenty different languages?

Can those translations only be started once the mainline 
English-language code has been frozen, because the strings in the 
English-language version are used as the keys for the translated 
versions of the strings in other the other languages?

>                                           I believe I shepherded the
>  idea, some time ago, of the need for a closed Mailman security team of
>  both developers and involved site administrators.

There is one.  See FAQ 1.27.  It's secure enough that even I don't 
have access to it, although I'm sure that Barry, Mark, Tokio, and 
other critical people do.

>                                                      I would say if a
>  proven trusted group of Mailman site administrators privately
>  discussed and tested a security fix, then I would have no problem with
>  fixes being committed and released at once.

That's what you've got with the way RCs are handled today.

>                                               Although a "heads up!"
>  would be nice too. ;-)

That's what you've got with the way RCs are handled today.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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