[Mailman-Users] compile problems with mailman-2.1.10/11

b-vol lux-integ at btconnect.com
Thu Aug 7 10:45:42 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 06 August 2008 03:29:13 pm Mark Sapiro wrote:
> I've seen this exact problem myself. In my case, I had python 2.4.3
> installed in /usr and I installed python 2.5.1 from source in
> /usr/local. I don't remember the details, but I played around with
> symlinks and made some progress, but ultimately removed python 2.5.1
> and reinstalled it in /usr and that solved the problem.
> This is not a Mailman problem, It is a Python installation problem. I
> think if you just start an interactive Python and type 'import md5'
> you'll see the same thing.

thanks for your help.

I  have python installed in /usr.  I also symlinked /usr/lib/md5.py (et al)  
and /usr/lib/hashlib.py(et al) to /usr/local/lib and it made no difference. 
The problem is not the compilation but the installation.  I notice just now 
that in the Makefile  the field DESTDIR is left blank.      Could this be 
what is causing the problems and  is so what could be a suitable fix?

suggestions welcomed

On Wednesday 06 August 2008 03:29:13 pm Mark Sapiro wrote:
> b-vol wrote:
> >I am new to this list.  i have been trying to compile  mailman-2.1.10 and
> >mailman-2.1.11 (I have compiled mailman successfully  a  couple of years
> >ago ). The computer is  an athlon-based PC with LFS
> >(linuxfromscratch) -kernel,  gcc-4.2.2,  openssl-0.98 is
> >in /usr/local and python-2.5.2 is in /usr/. The compiler spews the
> > following in both instances  (i.e.for mailman-2.1.10 and
> > mailman-2.1.11):-
> >
> >
> >
> >  File "bin/update", line 37, in <module>
> >    import md5
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/md5.py", line 6, in <module>
> >    from hashlib import md5
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/hashlib.py", line 133, in <module>
> >    md5 = __get_builtin_constructor('md5')
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/hashlib.py", line 60, in
> > __get_builtin_constructor import _md5
> >ImportError: No module named _md5
> >make: *** [update] Error 1
> I've seen this exact problem myself. In my case, I had python 2.4.3
> installed in /usr and I installed python 2.5.1 from source in
> /usr/local. I don't remember the details, but I played around with
> symlinks and made some progress, but ultimately removed python 2.5.1
> and reinstalled it in /usr and that solved the problem.
> This is not a Mailman problem, It is a Python installation problem. I
> think if you just start an interactive Python and type 'import md5'
> you'll see the same thing.
> Try
> <http://www.google.com/search?&q=site%3Amail.python.org+%22no+module+named+


As always it will be the poor proletarian and their children who will suffer 
from this economic downturn. The pampered plutocrats, need have no fears. 
They will merely look out on a bleak Dickensian landscape, and wonder why 
they don't eat cake. It was ever thus !
-jeff, Cardiff, UK

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