[Mailman-Users] Delete message in large mbox

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Sat Feb 23 21:21:54 CET 2008

On 2/23/08, Odieresis [Gmail] wrote:

>  I don't want to edit the html files and leave the message in the mailbox.

Fair enough.

>  I tried to use vim, but it's a too long file to manage (I don't know how
>  to do, too).

Vim should be able to handle it.  If vim can't handle it, you may be 
left with no other viable option.  Again, you need to talk to your 

>  It will be nice if I can download and edit the mbox file or use such a
>  mailbox manager online.

We don't provide any such service, and I don't know of anyone who 
does.  Moreover, I don't know of any such tools you could use to edit 
the file locally which would meet the necessary requirements, other 
than the exact same tools you could already use to edit the file 
in-place on your server.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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