[Mailman-Users] Donate to GNU Mailman!

Barry Warsaw barry at list.org
Sun Jul 6 17:52:45 CEST 2008

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I'm very pleased to announce that you can now donate to the GNU  
Mailman project!


The Free Software Foundation has established a directed donation fund  
for GNU Mailman.  Most of your donation goes directly to GNU Mailman,  
with a small percentage going to help the FSF.  You can now support  
both great organizations with one donation.

As quoted on the donation page:

"Your donation will be used to obtain equipment, services, development  
resources and other support for the GNU Mailman project.  All  
expenditures will be approved by a committee chosen from core GNU  
Mailman maintainers, and will be fully disclosed on the main GNU  
Mailman website."

Currently myself, Mark Sapiro and Terri Oda are serving as members of  
the informal Mailman Steering Committee.

I'd like to thank Peter Brown at the FSF for help getting this set up  
over there. I'd also like to thank Jeff Marshall and Jeff Breidenbach  
from the Mail-Archive.com for their initial generous donation.  As  
part of this kick-start, Mailman 3 will make it possible to easily  
archive your public mailing lists at www.mail-archive.com, including a  
permalink in the footer of all messages.

More details on the donation program are available on the wiki:


Feel free to comment on that page with any questions, and we'll make  
sure to update the page with any additional information.

Please consider supporting both GNU Mailman and the FSF with your  
donation.  We thank you.

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


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