[Mailman-Users] moderate to sender?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Jun 20 18:31:38 CEST 2008

Karen R McArthur wrote:

>If a person is a member of a certain List (Staff, for example) and sends 
>a message which may need moderation - is there a way to send that SENDER 
>the moderator message instead of the administrator or moderator?  The 
>purpose of this that we want some of our constituencies to be able to 
>diagnose and fix their own email (if the message is too long, either 
>shorten it and resubmit or find another method of distribution).

I assume by 'moderation' you mean 'held for some reason' and that the
reason is not 'post from a moderated member' but some other hold

If you set respond_to_post_requests (Send mail to poster when their
posting is held for approval?) on the list's General Options page to
Yes, the poster will receive a notice that their post was held along
with the reason why and a link they can follow to cancel the post.

Ideally, the poster will receive this notice (your users may already be
receiving it, as it is the normal default) which may say something
like "Message body is too big: 50123 bytes with a limit of 40 KB" or
"Too many recipients to the message", and follow the link to cancel
the post and then post a shorter post or one with fewer recipients.

What happens in practice is most people do nothing, some fix the
problem and repost and a very few also cancel the original post.

Perhaps if you are in a situation where you can provide training to
your users, you can get them to fix their own problems. Good luck.

>However, if the person is not in the Staff list, the moderation should 
>happen as normal.

If default_nonmember_action is hold, that post will be held and noticed
as above. If it is accept, reject or discard, that's what will happen.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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