[Mailman-Users] Archiving to 3rd machine

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Mar 27 23:50:11 CET 2008

Mark Heer wrote:
>I'd like to have all archives sent to one system.  Currently we use hypermail for this but as we move to mailman it will be necessary to retain this sort of  architecture.   Can mailman be configured to have mailserver1 and mailserver2 send archives
>to adminmachine3 ?  (all 3 running mailman).  One posssibility as noted in the faq is using MHonArc - but could I use similar 
>PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER configs to point to adminmachine3 using mailman's pipermail?  

Just off the top of my head, you could try something on machines 1 and
2 like

PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = 'ssh -e none mailman at machine3 "script

(all on one line), and similarly for PRIVATE_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER, where
script would be on machine3 and would be something like

cat > $f
bin/arch $1 $f
rm $f

Of course, it wouldn't have to be ssh and could be it's own script, but
just something to push the message to a script on machine 3 which
would copy the message to a file and feed it to bin/arch for the
correct list.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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