[Mailman-Users] Dealing with multiple charsets (list messagesand web archive)

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sun May 11 19:19:27 CEST 2008

Mark Sapiro wrote:
>What you want is more like the attached flatten.py.txt file (.txt added
>for content filtering).

Sorry, I forgot the attachment. Here it is.

>Note that this is far from production quality
>and probably doesn't even work on some messages.
>Problems I am aware of are things like
>- no i18n for canned text strings
>- signatures will get broken
>- with multipart/alternative, the text/plain part will be aggregated
>with the other text/plain parts and the text/html or other
>alternatives will be separately attached.
>- text/plain parts without a specified charset will not be aggregated
>but will be separately attached. This is a difficult issue because
>many mainstream MUAs will attach an arbitrary .txt attachment without
>specifying a charset. If you then assume it is say iso-8859-1 and
>convert it to unicode and in fact it was euc-jp or koi8-r or even
>utf-8, you can garble it irreversably.
>flatten.py is written so that it could be installed as is in Mailman as
>a custom Handler. See
>Note that this will not address separate attachment of headers and
>footers. If the resultant 'flattened' message is multipart for any
>reason, msg_header and msg_footer will still be attached as separate
>MIME parts.
>The basic flow in the process is
>If this is not a multipart message do nothing.
>Walk through the message making two lists of elemental parts
>  plain_parts are those text/plain parts with known character set
>  other_parts are the rest.
>If there were no plain_parts, make a Unicode text part that says so,
>otherwise convert all the plain_parts to Unicode and string them
>together with a separator to make a text part.
>If there were no other_parts make the message a single part text/plain
>message with the text payload utf-8 encoded, else make a
>multipart/mixed message with a text/plain part with the text payload
>utf-8 encoded followed by all the other_parts.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: flatten.py.txt
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