[Mailman-Users] re-install postfix?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Fri May 30 20:57:26 CEST 2008

Dov Oxenberg wrote:

>                                          I have not been able to get
> anywhere since Wednesday night and am now considering uninstalling
> Postfix and then reinstalling.

This sounds like a configuration problem.  Uninstalling and then 
re-installing the software isn't going to help you fix a configuration 
problem.  You need to actually fix the configuration problem, in order to 
fix the configuration problem.

Hopefully, you've got an automatic backup system that keeps copies of all 
your configuration files in SCCS, RCS, CVS, Subversion, Bazar, or some other 
sort of versioning system, so that you can just pull out the latest 
configuration files you know are correct and then restore those.

If not, you may have quite a bit of work ahead of you, but uninstalling and 
reinstalling the software is not likely to help.

>                                 I realize this is a Postfix issue, but I
> wanted to ask what are the consequences of uninstalling Postfix, then
> reinstalling as it relates to Mailman - do I need to do anything with my
> existing Mailman installation, will I need to reinstall, etc.

As far as Mailman is concerned, I don't think there's any impact.  Not 
unless you used a package installation mechanism that would remove 
everything that depends on postfix (including Mailman), when you go to 
remove postfix.  If that were to happen, you'd be seriously screwed.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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