[Mailman-Users] HTML table code broken via Mailman

Edward Salm, PhD edward at LambdaEnt.com
Sun Oct 5 22:10:42 CEST 2008

Thanks to everyone. All problems solved.

That is, after I sent the message and found out my host had a 500/hour
limit. *(@&*(#&!@!! They raised it temporarily, and it was just sent.


This was my first time working with mailman. It was a little quirky, but
everything worked out.

Again, thanks for your patience and diligence.

Edward Salm, PhD
Lambda Enterprises
edward at LambdaEnt.com
213 483 4800

"[Personhole] is not an acceptable de-sexed word."
-- Shirley Dean, councilperson, Berkeley (CA) City Council, explaining why
the Council changed the wording in a sewer equipment request back to manhole

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