[Mailman-Users] Default ban_list for new lists

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Sep 15 22:56:27 CEST 2008

Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>I want to close the hole, where a malicious user can subscribe via email,
>who isn't part of our domain.  I easily created a ban_list for
>^(?!(^.*@mydomain.com))  and this is applied to all existing lists.  I would
>like this ban_list applied by default to all new lists.
>I've seen many such default defaults, under mm_cfg.py, but haven't found one
>for the ban_list.  Is there some way I can set this?


DEFAULT_BAN_LIST = ['^(?!(^.*@mydomain.com))']

(or whatever you want) in mm_cfg.py. Then, in order to make it work,
find the lines

        # Ban lists
        self.ban_list = []

in the definition of the InitVars() method in Mailman/MailList.py and
change the second line to

        self.ban_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_BAN_LIST

I'm generally opposed to "configuration creep", but if people think
this is a worthwhile feature, speak up and I'll consider it for
Mailman 2.2.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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