[Mailman-Users] Bad Character

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Sep 16 21:50:46 CEST 2008

At 11:15 AM 9/16/2008, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>David Andrews wrote:
> >I manually added an address to one of my lists using the web
> >UI.  There must have been a space or odd character at end of address,
> >that I didn't notice.  The subscribe message indicated 
> that:  xxx at yyy.org&nbsp
> >has been subscribed to .......
> >
> >I can't delete the address using the web interface.  How do I remove it?
>I don't know why you can't delete the address via the web. What have
>you tried? Note that depending on your browser, you may see the
>address as just xxx at yyy.org in the membership list, and depending on
>Mailman version, checking 'unsub' in the membership list may not work
>(it should work in 2.1.10 and up), but you should be able to mass
>unsubscribe xxx at yyy.org&nbsp.

As always you are the man with the answers!  I have 2.1.8 and the 
Mass Unsubscribe method worked.



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