[Mailman-Users] problems with upgrade

Alexander Freund roi_danton at hotmail.de
Tue Sep 30 20:04:08 CEST 2008

Hi list members,
I have a problem with an update from a mailman 2.1.4 to 2.1.11.I had no problems during the upgrade I only noticed some problems with some user account names, so I started the configure script with the parameters: --with-cgi-gid=apache --with-mail-gid=mailThat’s it. Again, no problems.My lists are all moderated so I have to approve every mail. I started sending a mail to one of my lists.I received the "user" mail, that the mail is being processed and that I can call them back etc.I also received the mail that I have a moderated mail but after approving the mail nothing happens.The mail is not sent to the users. There is no error, nothing.I have no idea where I can see where the mail is lost.
Could someone please help me with this?
Roi Danton
Messenger to go! Hol' Dir Messenger aufs Handy!

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