[Mailman-Users] How to send moderator email approval

Matthias Schmidt beta at admilon.net
Fri Apr 10 06:33:45 CEST 2009

Am/On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 20:45:17 -0700 schrieb/wrote Mark Sapiro:

>Abdul Javid wrote:
>>Is there a setting to let list moderators a notification that a pending
>request is approved/rejected.
>>If there are 3 email ids in moderators, if one approves, i would like
>other 2 to know that the email has been taken care.
>I'm sorry.  There is no such notification option within Mailman.

usually one can set up mailman to send a disapproval-mail in a moderated list.
Wouldn't it be than possible either in mailman itself or in the MTA to
send a copy to a list of admins?
Just an idea, didn't try that.


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