[Mailman-Users] Non-ASCII signs in welcome text
Hendrik Maryns
hamaryns at googlemail.com
Sat May 2 12:00:39 CEST 2009
Op 21-03-09 20:03 heeft Mark Sapiro als volgt van zich laten horen:
> Hendrik Maryns wrote:
>> I just started a new mailing list with Mailman. The welcome_msg is in
>> German and contains üäö. Then I subscribed myself to the list and got
>> the following:
>> Hallöchen, Beiträge erwünscht, aber übertreibt es
>> nicht, ne.
> What is the list's preferred language? If it is English (or if it was
> English when you set the welcome_msg), this is expected because
> Mailman's character set for English is us-ascii and the page you're
> posting from was sent with charset=us-ascii so your browser sends the
> non-ascii characters as numeric html entities.
> If the list's preferred language is German, whose charset is iso-8859-1,
> when you set the welcome_msg, this should not happen.
Indeed. The problem is that Mailman assumes a list is English by
default. If I create a new list, I start editing its settings. What
you see first, is the welcome message etc. Only afterwards, I click
through to the language settings and change it to German. This causes
the problem.
So a useful RFE would be to either not assume English, or to ask for the
language at setup (or at first administrator login, since often a
sysadmin will create the list and then hand it over to the list admin).
Also, I noticed it is not possible to *remove* English as a list
language. I do not see why. I certainly don’t need it in my lists.
>> Furthermore, if I know log into the admin area, it gives the same text,
>> that is, with all non-ASCII replaced by entities!
> The reason you see the numeric HTML entities rather that the browser's
> rendering of them is over-protective escaping of the '&' in the HTML
> entity, but in this case, that's actually appropriate because the
> ultimate use of this message is in a plain text email where the HTML
> entities won't be rendered as characters anyway.
Yes. Caution is good, but isn’t this exaggerated?
Opgepast | Achtung | Attention
adressen gewijzigd!
Adressen geändert!
adresses changed!
Hendrik Maryns
Biesingerstraße 5
D-72070 Tübingen
hamaryns at googlemail.com
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