[Mailman-Users] Personalised Distribution List?
Lie, Jafaruddin
lie at acer.edu.au
Fri May 22 01:51:57 CEST 2009
Hi gang
We have a list that we use as a one-way (distribution) list.
I was asked whether it is possible to craft an email that has personalised
name sent out through one email. For example, a single email sent out to the
list, but mailman adds the name of the users from the list into the mail.
Not sure if it is possible, I don't think it is without a lot of mucking
around. I am happy to be proven wrong though :)
Jafaruddin Lie
System Engineer
Australian Council for Educational Research
19 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
t: 03 9277 5599
f: 03 9277 5500
m: 0401 736 979
e: lie at acer.edu.au
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