[Mailman-Users] Private archive nightmare with vhosts

Brian Wilson wilson-ml at bubba.org
Fri Feb 26 03:18:01 CET 2010

> The bottom line for me now is I can take a 2.1.13 base distribution,
> patch it with the patch at http://www.msapiro.net/mm/2.1.13_vhost.patch 
> and patch that with the vhost_extra_patch.txt patch attached to this post, 
> and I think that list creation and the web interface work. I haven't tested posting
> because my testbed uses Exim, but I think it should work.

> The current patch is http://www.msapiro.net/mm/2.1.13-1_vhost.patch

First off, thanks for you and Igor for putting together and doing the legwork on getting the vhost patch working on 2.1.13.  I've been wanting to migrate my lists away from my hosting provider and roll my own mailman install again, but was waiting on 3.0.   Glad this will keep me happy in the interim.  

There are a few things I noticed on my install today (Debian w/ Postfix).  

1) rmlist doesnt work properly:

# rmlist -a test at lists.example.com
test at lists.example.com list info not found as /var/lib/mailman/lists/test at lists.example.com
test at lists.example.com private archives not found as /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/test at lists.example.com
test at lists.example.com private archives not found as /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/test at lists.example.com.mbox
test at lists.example.com public archives not found as /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/test at lists.example.com
test at lists.example.com public archives not found as /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/test at lists.example.com.mbox

# rmlist test at lists.example.com
Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them.
test at lists.example.com list info not found as /var/lib/mailman/lists/test at lists.example.com

2) Web locations are off...

If i go to archives for a list: http://lists.example.com/pipermail/lists.example.com/test/, the html link that links to listinfo uses DEFAULT_URL_HOST instead of the urlhost for the list I'm on (link goes to http://DEFAULT_URL_HOST/mailman/listinfo/test).  I tried adjusting the templates (in templates/en/emptyarchive.html) to remedy this, but couldn't tell that the pages were changing when I adjusted the templates as the info didn't change on the website.  

I'm using this as my Apache config which should handle all "lists.domain.tld" type domains.   I don't think this is what is causing the web locations to be off, but I'm not sure.  

<VirtualHost *:80>
       ServerName lists.example.com
       ServerAlias lists.*

       RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ /mailman/listinfo

       RewriteCond      %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/pipermail/lists\.(.*)?$      [NC]
       RewriteRule      ^/pipermail/(.*)$ /pipermail/%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L]
       RewriteCond     %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/private/(.*)@(.*)?$  [NC]
       RewriteRule     ^/private/(.*)/$ /private/$1@%{server_name} [R=301,L]

       RewriteEngine on
       RewriteRule ^/mailman(/.*)?$ /cgi-bin/mailman$1 [PT,L]

I don't have any live lists on my system, so I'll be glad to test whatever suggestions you might have.  I did confirm that delivery works as it should with postfix by only adding the aliases map,  virtual-mailman map and adding each "lists.domain.tld" to virtual_alias_domains.

Thanks again for putting this together.  

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