[Mailman-Users] Attachments are unexpectedly re-created.

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Mar 3 03:35:37 CET 2010

Masaharu Kawada wrote:
> >There was no need to turn off digestable and archive if they were only
> >going to be turned on again.
>I did some research and found information that it is necessary to disable
>those options if you want to delete attachments manually, otherwise 
>unclaim might happen. However, even if you delete attachments, no need 
>to turn
>off those?

I suppose that something unexpected could happen if you removed one of
the attachment directories while it was in the process of being
written, so what you did was safest.

> >Removing or moving aside the lists/LISTNAME/digest.mbox or finding the
> >bad message and removing it from the file should also fix this.
>Yes, this is what I asked the customer for doing, but I am wondering that
>even if I could find the bad message and delete it, how can I reject it to
>be sent all the time. I mean what if the same happens again? My guessing
>for this behavior is that it is necessary to removing or moving aside the
>digest.mbox whenever bad message is in that mbox as long as the digestable
>options turned on. Is my guessing correct?

It is my thought that when an exception occurs in this process, that I
would produce a traceback as well as the existing log message and also
move the digest.mbox aside and log that action too.

However, I'm not convinced that the problem in this case is not due to
a Scrubber.py bug that either has already been fixed since 2.1.9 or
could be fixed, thus avoiding the issue. That's why I would like to
get the offending digest.mbox if possible.

In any case, the attached ToDigest.patch.txt contains a patch to
Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py. If your customer can install that patch
(just apply the patch to the file and restart mailman), we can at
least get a traceback from the exception which may help pinpoint the

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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