[Mailman-Users] Attachments are unexpectedly re-created.

Masaharu Kawada mkawada at redhat.com
Wed Mar 3 08:54:44 CET 2010

Hi Mark-san,

I got a reply from the customer, but it was not possbile for the customer
to provide the whole digest.mbox to us due to their policy.  However,
sevral parts of the error log and digest.mbox's content have been provided.
As for the error messages, please see the attachment.  And as for the
digest.mbox which might be the problematic one, I see lots of messages look
like below.

 ESC$B%&%$%k%9$,8+$D$+$j$^$7$?ESC(B (ESC$B4m81ESC(B)
 A32Z02V (A32G29V)(MG740762)
 (UPS Delivery Problem>>inv.zip>>inv.exe)

I know that I got just a few information to investigate, but can you be
able to guess what the cause of this is?

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

Masaharu Kawada wrote:
> Mark-san,
> Thank you very much for your response. I was kind of misunderstanding
> about what the send_digest() does before, but I now got better knowledge
> on it because of your explanations for me. I very much appreciate it!!
> I have asked the customer for providing the digest.mbox(s) to us and waited
> for the reply , so once I get the result, I will update it with replying 
> to this mail.
> Best Regards,
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> Masaharu Kawada wrote:
>>> So, it doesn't matter if the senddigest fais or not, there are no 
>>> retries. And,
>>> senddigest via cron runs only once a day at noon. However, whenever
>>> messages posted to the list, send_digest() will called based on the size of
>>> digest_size_threshhold, and try to send digest mails. But in my customer's
>>> case, every time message comes to the list, digest process(send_digest())
>>> fails due to the bad message in the digest.mbox. This is the cause of the
>>> error message in /var/log/mailman/error repeatly appear.  Is my 
>>> understanding
>>> right?
>> Yes, that is exactly correct.

Masaharu Kawada
Associate Technical Support Engineer
Red Hat K K
Ebisu Neonato 5F
1-18 Ebisu 4-chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0013, Japan
Direct: +81-3-5798-8482

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