[Mailman-Users] Footers As Attachments

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Mar 12 20:51:31 CET 2010

Zone Page wrote:
>The page says, "Choosing option #2 from the above list is quite a bit
>more difficult to configure than you may think it is. Even if you can
>get the system to do this, the result would most likely be quite a bit
>more drastic than you think." So, how do I configure my list this way?

Here's one suggestion.

filter_content: Yes

filter_mime_types: empty


filter_filename_extensions: default (it doesn't matter much with the
   above in pass_mime_types)

pass_filename_extensions: empty

collapse_alternatives: Yes

convert_html_to_plaintext: Yes

This will ensure only plain text is delivered to the list and will
accept essentially all text/plain parts of a message and in addition
will accept HTML that is not a multipart/alternative sub-part and use
an external command (defaults to lynx) to convert the HTML to plain

It will break or remove signatures from some signed mail.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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