[Mailman-Users] clearing nomail flags

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Oct 20 14:40:07 CEST 2010

Webmaster wrote:

>I searched and found some old scripts to clear all of the nomail 
>flags for every user in a mailing list but none of what I discovered 
>work with version 2.1.13 which is what is on my server.  Can someone 
>please point me to a way to clear all the nomail flags for a specific 
>list?  Thanks!

The withlist script at <http://www.msapiro.net/scripts/reset_bounce.py>
(mirrored at
<http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~msapiro/scripts/reset_bounce.py> will clear
all "nomail by bounce" flags for a list. If you want to also clear
other nomail flags, you could change the first line of

        if mlist.getDeliveryStatus(member) == MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE:
            mlist.setDeliveryStatus(member, MemberAdaptor.ENABLED)
            count += 1

in the script to

        if mlist.getDeliveryStatus(member) <> MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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