[Mailman-Users] attachment handling

Carlos R. Pasqualini pasqualinic at fcal.uner.edu.ar
Mon Apr 4 16:33:05 CEST 2011

Hi list

i'm having trouble with attachments, because my users want to send mails
with them and i don't want them to, so i've restricted the message size
to 40kb.

i wan to know if there is a way to "detach" the attachment, place the
file on a public web server and provide a link into the message to
download the file from the webserver.

can i do that with mailman, mailman/postfix or mailman/exim?

i am using a separate domain for the lists, and a a separate MTA so i
can modify almost everything.


Carlos R. Pasqualini <pasqualinic at fcal.uner.edu.ar>
Adm. de Redes - Facultad de Ciencias de la AlimentaciĆ³n - UNER

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