[Mailman-Users] Stop Mailman from re-send messages

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Feb 25 18:36:18 CET 2011

Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Hung Phan wrote:
>>How do we stop Mailman from re-sending out messages in the query? and How do we clear the entire query out? Can we remove certain messages from the query? Mailman version 2.1.12 and Exim 4
>To clear the retry queue, do
>  rm /path/to/mailman/qfiles/retry/*

And I neglected to say to remove only certain messages, use Mailman's
bin/show_qfiles or bin/dumpdb to examine files in
/path/to/mailman/qfiles/retry/ and then just remove the ones you don't
want. Note that of the two, only dumpdb shows the metadata that
includes the recipient list, but show_qfiles accepts multiple file
arguments and dumpdb does not.

Also, if this question relates to your prior post about "Emails to a
specific email domain get error", those messages are queued in Exim,
not Mailman. See "man 8 exim" for information on exim queues.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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