[Mailman-Users] Blocked By Earthlink

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Mon Jun 20 13:30:33 CEST 2011

On 6/20/11 1:01 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull at stephen at xemacs.org wrote:

>> We migrated the server to a VPS from speakeasy and added DKIM a
>> couple of
> Uh, did you know this?
> steve at uwakimon ~ $ host speakeasy.com
> speakeasy.com has address
> speakeasy.com mail is handled by 5 mx01-dom.earthlink.net.
> speakeasy.com mail is handled by 5 mx00-dom.earthlink.net.

Speakeasy the ISP is speakeasy.net. Speakeasy.com is an unrelated software
vendor. While I assume the OP is talking about Speakeasy.net, I do not see
VPS mentioned as one of the services they offer (note that I am a very
satisfied Speakeast.net DSL customer).

Larry Stone
lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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