[Mailman-Users] Alternatives for Yahoo Groups like Web Features

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sun Aug 19 14:11:16 CEST 2012

Brad Knowles writes:

 > The problem is that you're not going to find a unified solution to
 > all these problems.

Not soon, but Mailman 3 will make it easier to integrate such with
Mailman (within a few months, I guess).  The actual work may take
years unless substantial resources are contributed, though.
N.B. Programs like GSoC would be possible sources of funding,
especially if the request comes from a respected developer (not
necessarily a Mailman developer!) capable of mentoring a student
developer for the project.  But it could also be done with Mailman
mentoring talent -- the students' ideas and goals are an important
influence on the projects we choose.

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