[Mailman-Users] All mails do not reach to all users...

Amit Bhatt misterbhatt at gmail.com
Tue May 8 18:43:14 CEST 2012

        Dear experts,

I had discuss the similar issue couple of Months back here.
Actually the mails sent by the senders are not reaching to all the subscribers of my mailing list.
I got some steps here and forwarded them to our web service provider but they could not resolve the issue.
After facing huge problems, I finally shifted to the new service provider and they are Internationally known as very good service provider and their mail delivery and other services seem to be working fine but the issue of non delivery of E-mails to some users still remain there.
I have discussed this matter with other moderators of two different mailing list and they told me that they also confront the same issue some time. so what does it mean? Is this a bug on Mailman? Can we expect not to be happened in mailman 3 in the coming future?

Please, I would appreciate if someone can make me understand to do something in simple steps.


Amit Bhatt

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