[Mailman-Users] Advantages

rex at rexgoode.com rex at rexgoode.com
Wed Dec 3 01:05:05 CET 2014

I have been a long-time user of mailman and have been on many mailing lists.

I am also part of a professional association of social workers that  
operate in my area. They have been using a list of addresses in a Cc  
field to manage their mailing list. I can't imagine anything more  
fraught with problems than that, but I can't convince these people to  
let me host a mailman mailing list for them.

I can think of a lot of advantages myself, but I'm wondering if anyone  
has seen a good list somewhere. I'm a strange combination of software  
engineer and social worker, so I understand both worlds. My social  
worker colleagues tend to think of something like a mailing list as  
complicating things rather than simplifying them.

I'm not necessarily asking for a discussion here, but I'd like some  
feedback on this.

Viva Mailman!

Rex Goode

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