[Mailman-Users] HTML content from GMX gets scrubbed in archive

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Oct 7 17:53:53 CEST 2014

On 10/07/2014 06:02 AM, Peter Wetz wrote:
> UPDATE: lynx was missing on the machine mailman was running on. since i
> don't have root access (or at least i could not find out on my own, if
> lynx is running), it was quite hard for me to figure that one out. just
> after i read that some others on this list had problems with "blank
> messages in the archive after conversion of html to plain-text mails", i
> think this was something worth to investigate.

If you have access to Mailman's logs, you would see errors about this in
Mailman's 'error' log.

> so now that lynx is installed and running, the html-to-plain-text
> conversion works.


N.B. I use elinks by setting

HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/elinks -dump %(filename)s'

in mm_cfg.py. I like the plain text conversion a bit better.

> one final question: since this requires content filtering to be turned
> on, i basically have to whitelist all mime-types i want to let through.
> is that right?

It depends what you want to do. If you want to pass everything and just
do the html to plaintext conversion, you can set all 4 of
filter_mime_types, pass_mime_types, filter_filename_extensions and
pass_filename_extensions empty. Then nothing will be removed based on
MIME type or filename extension.

Otherwise, you can either blacklist or whitelist using filter_mime_types
or pass_mime_types respectively. The filters are applied in the
following order.

If filter_mime_types is non-empty, any part with MIME type in
filter_mime_types is removed. Then, if pass_mime_types is non-empty, any
part with MIME type NOT in pass_mime_types is removed. Then the
filename_extensions tests are applied in the same order to parts that
have an associated filename.

Note also that entries in *_mime_types can be either 'maintype' or
'maintype/subtype' (as in e.g., 'image' or 'image/jpeg'). If it is just
'maintype' it will match all parts with that maintype regardless of subtype.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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