[Mailman-Users] Part of moderated mails postponed to later digests

Henrik Rasmussen her at adm.ku.dk
Mon Nov 9 07:50:20 EST 2015

Sorry for the late reply.

> Mark Sapiro [mailto:mark at msapiro.net]
> Sent: 4. november 2015 17:07

> Anyway, I understood your OP to say digests were being sent only weekly when batches of held messages are approved.
That was an example of the frequency, held mails is being approved by the moderator. When the moderator approves a bunch of mails in one week, the list admin claims that only some of the mails are posted to the list, but that some of the mails will not be sent in a digest until the next moderation a week later (example).

> if you don't want digests triggered on size
The list admin doesn't need digests sent according to size so a digest_size_threshhold = 10000 should be fine. The moderator wants to have the mails included in a digest the next noon after approving the mails.

> and your mailman is older than 2.1.16
I run Mailman 2.1.12 which is the latest available for yum update on RHEL6. I think the last Mailman version on RHEL7 is 2.1.15, but we're not there yet.

I just confirmed that senddigest is run every noon:
   /var/log/cron:Nov  8 12:00:01 p1kitlst01l CROND[18196]: (mailman) CMD (/usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests)
   /var/log/cron:Nov  9 12:00:01 p1kitlst01l CROND[27052]: (mailman) CMD (/usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests)

> If this is not the case, either cron/senddigests is not running every noon or it is somehow skipping this list or encountering errors with this list. Is there anything in Mailman's error log?

The error log doesn't show anything in association with the list in question. 

According to the vette log, some are discarded by moderator actions, :
   Oct 25 10:20:42 2015 (16801) Precedence: bulk message discarded by: LISTNAME-request at list.example.com
And of cause a lot of "Reason: Non-members" and spam-like messages "Reason: Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator.".

Regards, Henrik Rasmussen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Mark Sapiro [mailto:mark at msapiro.net] 
Sendt: 4. november 2015 17:07
Til: Henrik Rasmussen; mailman-users at python.org
Emne: Re: SV: [Mailman-Users] Part of moderated mails postponed to later digests

On 11/04/2015 02:09 AM, Henrik Rasmussen wrote:
>> My best guess is you are triggering digests on size (Digest options -> digest_size_threshold) and either not periodically (digest_send_periodic = No) or cron/senddigests runs only weekly.
> To clarify, he has set digest_size_threshold to 10000 and digest_send_periodic =Yes. /usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests is run by cron every day at noon.
> Other digest settings is
> nondigestable = True
> scrub_nondigest = False
> digestable = True
> digest_is_default = 1
> mime_is_default_digest = 0
> digest_size_threshhold = 10000
> digest_send_periodic = 1
> digest_volume_frequency = 3
> discard_these_nonmembers = (241 members)
> ban_list = (188 members)
> The digest_size_threshhold = 10000 may likely course the problem, but is necessary as a digest containing a single mail is sent each time a mail is sent to the list-address as suggested by https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2014-August/077622.html.

That's a bug <https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/558274> which was
fixed in MM 2.1.16, but in any case, if you don't want digests triggered
on size and your mailman is older than 2.1.16, setting
digest_size_threshhold = 10000 (KB = 10 MB) should stop digests being
triggered on size unless your list has a lot of large graphics attached
to posts. I.e. 10MB / 100 posts is still 100KB per post.

Anyway, I understood your OP to say digests were being sent only weekly
when batches of held messages are approved. If as you say,
digest_send_periodic =Yes and /usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests is run
by cron every day at noon, even if 50 messages are approved and 30 of
them are sent immediately in a digest (triggered on size), the other 20
should be sent in a digest the next noon.

If this is not the case, either cron/senddigests is not running every
noon or it is somehow skipping this list or encountering errors with
this list. Is there anything in Mailman's error log?

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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