[Mailman-Users] Unsubscribe link

nikos nikos at qbit.gr
Wed May 30 06:44:52 EDT 2018

Hello list.

Christian unfortunately didn't work...
Mark It have to be html message for commercial reasons.

Thank you all for your answers.

On 29/05/2018 7:24 μμ, Christian F Buser wrote:
> Hello nikos. On Tue, 29 May 2018 16:49:13 +0300, you wrote:
>>    Is possible to insert somehow a unsubscribe link inside the message
>>    instead in footer?
>>    After many tries I manage to put a direct link in footer, setting Full
>>    Personalization ON first. The problem is that Outlook attach footer and
>>    most users ignore it. So it could be useful to putt a link inside 
>>    message.
> I am not sure - but when I was young, I learnt that the standard separator for a footer in internet mail is "-- " (without the quotes, of course). 
> Try changing that to - for example - "____________________" or "********************" and look how Outlook treats it then. 
> Christian 

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