[Mailman-Users] Malformed URLs for some admin web page links

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Apr 10 19:27:28 EDT 2019

On 4/10/19 12:10 PM, Jeff Hunter wrote:
> I have a mailman list that is working correctly, except for some of the links on the base admin web page and it's child pages. The list is at listserv.mydomain.com and all of the links on the list admin page start with that base url, except the link "Go to list archives". That link drops the listserv. from the link (mydomain.com/......). Moving to the Membership Management page, the link "Click here to include the legend for this table." Drops the listserv off, each of the links on the alphabet letters to search for member names also drop the listserv, while the other links all have the listserv.mydomain.com base url.

All of your problem links are the ones that are absolute rather than
relative. These links are based on the hidden list attribute
web_page_url which is created from DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN and
DEFAULT_URL_HOST at list creation time.

> Listserv.mydomain.com is a virtual domain, and the email host is just mydomain.com (not listserv.)
> My mm_cfg.py has
> # Required when setting any of its arguments.
> add_virtualhost('listserv.brushchamber.org')

This is OK, but it is preferred to have

DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'listserv.brushchamber.org'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'brushchamber.org'

But in your case, just setting DEFAULT_URL_HOST and DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
at some point would do.

> Any idea how to get those malformed links to match the listserv.mydomain.com base URL?

First ensure that DEFAULT_URL_HOST is set to
'listserv.brushchamber.org'. Then run fix_url. See
<https://wiki.list.org/x/4030616> for instructions.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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